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Whats in the box

2022-08-25 00:00:00

        What's in the box

        1. Core interests

        Consumers have different interests in different products. For example, consumers who value beauty products, consumers' physiological needs focus on products that can solve their own skin problems, and their psychological needs focus on visual aesthetics. At this time, elements that highlight "beauty" should be incorporated into the packaging box to create a beautiful dream for consumers.

        The same product has different core interests in different occasions. For example, in the case of cosmetics, consumers are more concerned with benefits and effects when using them themselves. This is the characteristic of the packaging box.

        2. Unique feeling

       Consumers' attention to products generally changes from an unconscious state to a conscious state. Consumers can be noticed by consumers and leave a good impression among many products, so consumers will have greater purchasing opportunities, thus creating differentiated products.

       3. Deep memory points

The box will leave a deep memory point. This can be deeply imprinted in the minds of consumers and will not disappear easily. These are powerful means of distinguishing a product from other brands, enabling consumers to generate memories quickly, which is conducive to generating lasting purchases.

       4. Trust Points

       In order to dispel consumers' doubts and build trust in products, good product packaging can often play the role of silence rather than sound. One strategy is to let consumers see through, using transparent packaging materials or photographing the real thing, so that consumers can see what is inside the product and consume with confidence. Another strategy is to note on the box or authoritative scientific research. Organizations and insurance companies will carry out quality insurance, followed by production date, shelf life, etc., of course, barcodes, national unified retail prices, etc., to enhance consumers' purchasing confidence and achieve sales.

     5. Contrast images

     The motivation of consumers to buy products often depends on their own identity or image. When products can reflect their own image or identity, consumers will have the urge to buy.

     A good packaging can stand the praise of salesmen, even if there is little or no advertisement, it can trigger the crazy buying desire of consumers and set off a raging fire in the market.


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